Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Spare Time

Why is it that when I have an unexpected few hours to myself, I never know how to use them!

Take this morning for example, M, Son and two of his friends had been on a bit of a beano last night, so were all sleeping in this morning, YIPPEE! thinks me, time to myself with nothing that HAS to be done until they all fall out of bed with sore heads.

I say myself down at my desk and ................ NOTHING! Not a dicky bird. So I wandered off out to my in progress workroom, and nothing there either, well I did look at the paintbrush, and I did move a few things round on shelves, but nothing creative at all. So back into the house I wandered, sorting I thought, that always pleases me, but when I had a look, besides making something to do, as I have not really been doing anything, nothing to sort.

One cup of coffee, a magazine and a sit outside became the next thing I tried to get me motivated and do you know what? An hour sitting outside as far away from the house as I could with nothing around me but the birds was fantastic. I actually read the magazine, not just flicked through marking pages that interest me for future reading that never really gets done.

I could have sat longer, but the moaning bodies schlepped outside to see where I was, so it was time to go and start crashing a few pots and pans around, well a good fry up the morning after the night before is supposed to be the best thing for you ........... my excuse and I am sticking to it!


Anonymous said...

Lol T, I love chilling outside with the birds. So peaceful!
Hope your bashed those pots and pans extra hard. lol
Take care, Erin x

Lyn said...

And you have fabulous surroundings just to do that, you lucky thing .... one day ......

Anyhoo, I'M excited about your work room, so build up your enthusiasm and start planning colour schemes, etc, if not done so already! Make Flylady proud of your organisation!

I also know about sitting at a desk, all ready to create with all the time and the equipment, and .... nothing! I'm doing the very same thing at the moment, and hence I'm surfing instead!!!

misteejay said...

Sounds like a lovely morning...it rained here :o(

Still, I get to play tomorrow my wee hoppy friend - it is the monthly, all-day card workshop and we are making Christmas cards.

Toni :o)

Julia Dunnit said...

Funny how a quiet hour is the last thing you thought of. And I totally get what you mean..is it because we don't want to 'waste' the time? I dunno. Hmm, an Ulster Fry? Yes please!